Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anderson or Piers

Vote: Clicky TV clip of the week

By Anna Chan

Earlier this week, we asked our fans on Facebook to share links of their favorite TV moments of the past week. Wacky? Hilarious? Shocking? Dumb? We wanted to see what got the biggest reaction out of readers, especially since we don't catch every single thing that airs on TV.

(Yes, I know. It's summer and there isn't a ton going on on television right now. But fall shows are just around the corner, so we may as well get this new weekly feature rolling!)

Anyway, Clicker readers kept bringing up one clip in particular: Anderson Cooper and his fit of giggles last Wednesday while presenting his RidicuList segment on actor Gerard Depardieu. The actor was accused of urinating in the aisle of an airplane. Funny, indeed! Check it out:

But judging from reader reactions, that wasn't the only clip they were interested in. Clicker fans couldn't get enough of former Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell walking out of her interview with Piers Morgan last Wednesday.

Which of the two clips did you find wackiest/funniest/silliest?

Of course I liked both moments on CNN; but, of course I voted for Anderson, and sure enough, as the chart below shows, the results are greatly favoring Anderson's giggling.


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