Not the date; but the ...
Shocking everyone, actress Celina Jaitly recently announced her wedding on Twitter. Not the date; but the fact thThe couple, who had earlier announced their decision to marry on September 23rd in Egypt (where she is the brand ambassador for tourism) despite the unrest in the city; performed a quiet ceremony due to a family tragedy.
Currently the actress is linked to the Hollywood project, Quest of Scheherzade, where she will play a Persian Princess alongside Sean Connery and Orlando Bloom.
Celina earlier tweeted:
@CelinaJaitly - Beloved tweeple. ..With great pleasure I would like to announce my wedding with @peterhaag on the 23rd of last month at a thousand year old monastery in Austria. We seek your blessings and good wishes, and apologize for the delayed announcement due to a family tragedy. Here is a picture of the most cherished moment of our lives. [The following picture features myself and my beloved husband, flanked by my dearest father in law to my left, and my brother in law to Peter's right.]
Here's Bollycurry wishing them a long and Happy Marriage!
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