Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Trigger warning for fat hatred; disordered eating; diet talk; body policing.]

You know, I read a lot of terrible articles about obesity, but this epic garbage disaster really takes the cake (the WHOLE cake in one sitting, get it? cuz FAT!): Study links obesity to brain disorder.

There is so much wrong in that article, I hardly know where to begin. Let's just start with the Top Five Things Wrong With This Epic Garbage Disaster:

1. "Obesity" is not shorthand for "disordered eating." Not every fat person has an eating disorder.

2. Fat people can be anorexic.

3. Treating disordered eating with counseling is not, in fact, an "odd idea." It's a pretty well-established treatment for disordered eating of all sorts.

4. Not all disordered eating is caused by an executive function disorder. That there is a "link," meaning that some people have disordered eating attributable to an executive function disorder, does not make it fair or accurate to say "obese people and anorexics...have executive function disorders (EFD), which means they have problems organising their daily lives."

5. Did I mention that "obesity" is not a shorthand for "disordered eating" already? BECAUSE IT REALLY, REALLY ISN'T.

I love, by the way, that over here fat people's fuckbrainz render them "too flexible and [unable] to solve problems and achieve goals," while over there fat women are making the big bucks because of their mad "unobservable job skills," owing to never getting laid or whatever. WELL WHICH IS IT? Is the fat making us inept nincompoops, or competent workmachines?! Don't keep us in suspense, Science!

Also: Bonus failpoints for reportage on "obese people" using the Othering tone of a 17th century ethnographer.

The people of Obesia have brains unlike civilized man.

Fuck off.

[H/T to Shaker shutupmonica.]


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