Sunday, August 7, 2011

Topcat not abandoned but...

The take-off and landing calculator has been a great develoment for the Flight Simulation. But its developers are now very busy with the new flight planner PFPX.../.

While PFPX is not expected before the end of 2011, Topcat activity is really low. The last update has been released in february (still in beta) and new aircrafts are far from beeing fully supported. The PMDG NGX itself won't be (supported) really soon either... And when Topcat users are requesting informations on these new aircrafts, it seems that it's always aircrafts designers's fault. That's the kind of answer i don't like.
There is another field Topcat developers should had explore a few months ago, it's Ipad. Topcat on Ipad would be a fantastic application and would totally fit aviation reality. Some airlines are indeed using Ipad in the cockpit to make the performance and fuel last checking.
This is missed opportunity.

In the meantime, the developers are working on this enormous - and heavy - flight planner, as if there were not enought flight planners already. Too bad.


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