Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The One That Got Away!

I must admit, I'm rather fickle with my skincare products. I rarely completely finish a product before I buy or start using the next one. Which is why I knew I had to blog about this little exfoliating duo when I reached to use them in the shower this morning and realised they were totally empty, and as far as I can remember... I've never mentioned them on my blog or YouTube channel!

Nubo's Diamond Peel & Reveal exfoliating duo isn't like other exfoliators. It contains real diamond dust!

It sounds a little over the top but I absolutely love this product (as the empty bottles prove!) Step one is a super fine diamond-based paste which you massage into your skin (surprisingly, it doesn't feel harsh on the skin.) Followed by step two, the 'activator', which fizzes a tiny bit when you massage it into the first layer. Wash it all off the the end result is super smooth, plumped and fresh looking skin - lovely! This is definitely the best exfoliator I've ever used.

It doesn't come cheap at £65 for the set (2x 80ml) but it lasts an absolute age. I started using mine in February, so it's lasted me 6 months using it once or twice a week.

If you feel like treating yourself (and your skin!) Nubo is available online here (with free international delivery)


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