Monday, August 15, 2011

Taxi2gate Kosice LZKZ : hot test

FS9 and FSX. The first serious slovakian airport in FSX. Nice textures and models. Lack of static objects. Original destination.

Taxi2gate Kosice airport LZKZ

Version tested : V.1 for FSX.

File : 30 mb

Framerate : very friendly (more than 15 fps on a recent liner with a quad core 2,33 ghz. FSX settings on average-full, ATI HD5850 average settings).

Price : not too expensive (around 18 € / 27 $)

The scenery includes : A large area around the airport, the terminal, hangars, apron and the runway.

This is globalization ! A latin american designer, Taxi2gate, producing a slovakian airport. Basically, it's a great idea and they have been very well documented on the place. Kosice in the extrem east of Slovakia, member of European community. It's a good departure point to Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, South Europe and of course, Austria, Germany etc.

Kosice is the 7th scenery of Taxi2gate. The team has prouven qualities : they work on a good rythm, quality is improving and they are able to make a heavy international airport (Mexico MMMX), all of this assuming they work alone. (Are they still working with Intersim ?).

I tested the scenery during 30 mn, at day, dusk and night. No bug encountered. The textures and modeling are quite good and some details like ads in front of the main entrance and around the main parking, are realistic.

The bad :

* No AI aircrafts on apron (i set my traffic at max).

* Real lack of static aircrafts, especially in front of the aviation museum (unless the museum is closed ?)

The good :

* Night lighting of the buildings and apron.

* The choice of this place.

* The framerate.

Kosice airport at night. Various lights are illuminating the apron.

Some ads on the main entrance and a photoreal texture

give a good idea of the terminal. 

Great work on this hangar. At dusk, we can see the fine textures.

High definition ground textures. It's even better if you set your graphic card

at maximum. I was still on average antialias and mipmapping due to... my NGX.

General aviation terminal but we would have liked some light aircrafts.

The scenery includes a large area with custom textured fields.

This is the museum here and some old aircrafts prints from a satellite imagery.

Eventually, a nice destination in Eastern Europe.

Hot test heading copyright Airdailyx August 2011


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