Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

[Dudley and Zelda sit together on the loveseat. Zelda is chewing on a squeaky toy and Dudley is staring off into space.] Dudley! *kissy noises* [Dudley turns and looks at me] What are you doing? What's going on over there? [His ears perk up; Zelda stops and looks at me.] Ohhhh, are you good puppies? [They stare at me cutely.] Are you the good puppies? You are. Yes. [Zelda goes back to her squeaky toy.] The good puppies. [Dudley lays his head down contentedly.]
Immediately following this exchange, Dudley grabbed the other end of the toy, and thus did commence a brief but furious game of doggy wrasslin'.

Still photos of the good puppies are below the fold (on most browsers)...

Dudley the Greyhound stands with his back to me, ears akimbo

Zelda the Mutt lies on the living room floor, with her black-spotted tongue hanging out


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