Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bollywood Gossips

Bollywood Gossips

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Its a girl says Abhishek Bachchan

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 01:15 AM PST

Bollywood News: You got it right :-) The wait for India’s First Celebrity Baby is now over after Bollywood Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gave birth to her baby girl this morning at the Seven Hills Hospital in Mumbai. The news of the new born baby has been verified by papa Abhishek Bachchan who tweeted ‘IT’S A GIRL!!!!!! :-) ))))’ .Earlier while talking to reporters, Abhishek Bachchan said “I just want her to have a healthy, safe and as comfortable a delivery as possible. Whenever God decides our baby is to be born, we’ll welcome him or her with open arms. We still don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy, all we want is a healthy child”.

Abhishek Bachchan further tweets “Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. Both Aishwarya and the baby are doing great and taking some much needed rest….”. While commenting about himself, the actor tweets “And I’m trying my level best to get rid of this caffeine high and get some sleep too. Don’t think it’ll work. TOO EXCITED!!!!”

Thousands of fans and bollywood celebrities have already started messaging the bachchans after checking the tweet of Junior Bachchan.  Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan who has been denying to all the rumors about Aishwarya’s baby birth since the beginning of November, 2011 has proudly tweeted “I AM DADA to the cutest baby girl !!” He further tweets “A dada ji … Ecstatic !!!!” and “thank you all ..!”

Bollywood Actress Aishwarya Rai bachchan had checked in to Seven Hills Hospital late Monday night to deliver her first baby.


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