Some months ago, we had reported Preity becoming a benefactor in Amrohi's will for significant sum of assets.
For the uninitiated, here's how the history goes. In a legal suit filed by Shandar Amrohi (s/o late
So much, that news actually pronounced Preity to be a formally 'adopted' daughter of the man.
However, with talks of Amrohi's biographical account - titled From Nowhere To Somewhere - coming to print, and in particular a chapter that deals mostly with the life and facts (read: inside scoops) of Preity's life, more stir has been met. It has been heard that the bubbly actress was rather upset to find out how her personal matters were going to be made public as such. Additionally, she has quashed any notions of being 'adopted' by anyone, or featuring any advantage in Amrohi's will.
Tweets, Preity,
"4 the final time I would like to say NO ONE HAS ADOPTED ME OR WRITTEN A WILL 4 ME ! I helped Mr. Shandar Amrohi in his time of need ! He is a very nice man but NO ONE can EVER take the place of my Father in my life. I am not off the street that I need someone else's wealth!I will request journalists 2 not resort 2 write stories about someone else wanting to be my DAD ; He is NO MORE so pls have some respect !Otherwise I will have no option but 2 resort 2 Legal Means! Journalists prefer Gossip over facts & this is disgusting & unaccaptable by me.On a positive side I have a collection of completely false articles over the years from so called respectable publications that I will put Together in a Book wid a complete profile of da journalist with photos! This will be Poetic Justice & A Journalists hall of shame :-) Ting !"
So much for the always chirpy Preity Zinta, who befriends all, and bears no grudges! Then again, when has the scribe tribe not managed to get on the wrong side of the influential?!
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