Rumor has it that the sets of Mausam are haunted, thanks to a string of spooky incidents that have re
cently plagued the cast of the film.
It all started with Shahid Kapoor injuring his right arm. How did it happen, you ask? While shooting at the CRPF grounds in Goregaon, it just so happened that a Ferris wheel came flying down towards him. It's not as bad as it sounds, take a deep breath! The whole Ferris wheel didn't hurl itself his way, just one of the boxes that fell apart and detached from the overall structure. Luckily for Shahid, he wasn't injured too severely and moved out of the way before his face was badly bruised.
When Pankaj Kapoor saw what had just taken place, there was no reaction from him; he couldn't believe what had happened. Shahid, however, kept his cool and assured everyone that he was fine.
After Shahid's incident, the doctor who was coming to check up on Shahid's arm had an accident with an oncoming bike. And if that wasn't enough, later in the night, two lightmen were injured when a rostrum held 70 feet above the ground gave out with them on it, resulting them with minor bruises.
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