Monday, November 29, 2010

Shiv Sena strikes again!

The tiff between Shiv Sena and super star Shahrukh Khan is is still far from over! The far-right political party has found yet another chance to literally pounce upon King Khan.

Shiv Sena openly went against SRK in it's mouthpiece Saamna. The party criticized SRK for arranging a dinner party in London for a Pakistani TV channel, Prime TV. They even made a huge deal of the fact that the party coincidentally was on the very same day that the whole country was mourning for the precious lives lost in the terror attack of 26/11. This fact particularly has greatly angered Shiv Sainiks who made it a point to nationally disgrace the star.

Earlier in the year, Shiv Sena protested against the release of My Name Is Khan when SRK expressed his desire of wanting IPL to cover Pakistani cricketers as well.
Looks like Shiv Sena keeps finding an easy target in time too many!


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