Friday, July 2, 2010

Wedding bells for ...

The news may come as a surprise to readers who have been following the relationship of the two actors, Samir Soni and Neelam Kothari, since its start in February last year. The duo apparently have been very serious about their relationship all along and are even considering taking it to the next level aka tying the knot!

The going has been more than occasionally rough for this couple however, from when they were first spotted together at Tusshar Kapoor's birthday bash last year. Despite Samir publicly declaring his love for actress turned jewelery designer Neelam, the two grew apart in November when Neelam's family interfered in the relationship.

Both have been prevously divorced - Samir from model Rajlaxmi Khanvilkar (now married to actor Rahul Roy) and Neelam from London-based industrialist Rishi Sethia. Understandably, her family didn't want her to rush in to another bad marriage but upon realizing the feelings of the couple, have since given their blessings.

With the approval of their respective families, the buzz is that marriage is a high possibility even if as of yet, the couple refuse to spill the beans until everything is finalized.


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