Saturday, July 17, 2010

Aamir Says No To Political Parties

<a href=Aamir Khan" align="right" vspace="5" hspace="5" />Remember when a political party had tried to buy the phrase 'Jai Ho' for their own usage purposes?

Well, something similar happened this year, when a political party had approached Aamir Khan, a co-producer of Peepli [LIVE], to try and obtain the song "Mahangai Dayan" a popular song from Peepli [LIVE].

Aamir Khan very abruptly said no to the request, as he did not want a song from his movie to be owned. He wants "Mahangai Dayan" to be everyone's song, a song that does not have any restrictions. More over, he thinks that the song promotes unity in the form of the plight of the common folk who all do not enjoy mahangai.

Kudos to the Peepli [LIVE] team for adamantly leaving the song free, and much luck to the team for the movie's slated release on August 13!


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