Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bipasha in 'child labour' trouble over Twitter picture

A picture on Twitter has put Bipasha Basu in the line of fire.

The actress recently posted a picture of two young girls - who she claims are her sister and a friend - tying her shoelaces, on Twitter.

What was meant as a joke unleashed outrage instead, with people accusing Bipasha of child labour.

Though Bipasha has since removed the picture, and apologised for hurting feelings - "Well the ppl helping me in the pix r my friend n sister,Who I help often with the same!So am sorry if it hurt anyones sentiments!" - she is also insulted by all the ugly attention.

"But I am shocked tht a small thing like this can turn into a furore hitting out on my character and being, Totally Unacceptable!" she tweeted. "Im nt embarrassed abt d pix At al,as it ws funny 2 me n still is!"

She also took on the people who cried child labour.

"I wish tht d ones who created such a furore n reacted imm'ly, actually do something worthy against child labour," she tweeted. "Also 'child labour' is a serious issue tht can't b used in such a light connotation."
Her last word on the matter: "A pix put 4 fun gt picked up by ppl as 'child labour' is absolutely unbelievable. Jst so tht al get it right: neither of the 2 r children!"


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