Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kashmira Shah's upperless calendar

No one will ever accuse her of not trying.

Kashmira Shah's tried every trick in the trade to get herself noticed. And her latest caper - going t'pless for an exclusive calendar that will be out in March.

"Yes, I have gone t'pless in one of the pictures for the calendar named Kashessentual," said the one-time item girl in a media interview. "People will be shocked when they see the pictures and how far I've gone."

The calendar is being produced by Third Rock Entertainment, and the reality show star is mighty excited.

"I have always believed in doing things that are out of the box and this calendar is pushing the envelope," she said. "I am not being pompous, but it will be something which will now be a benchmark for anyone who thinks of doing a calendar. Every guy will have the calendar in his bathroom."

Until the calendar hits the stands, you can watch the scandalous wannabe in re-runs of her reality show, Love Lock Up, where she tries to keep the 'bedroom fires' burning with boyfriend and live-in partner Krushna Abhishek.


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