Not one or two different looks, but for his upcoming romantic-comedy Burfi, R
anbir Kapoor is planning on incorporating three different looks. Yes! Three!
In this film, he'll be shown constantly aging from a young 20 year old to a mid-aged 50 year old. While the aging would not be shown so explicitly, it will be implied that his character is aging, and for this, Ranbir will be sporting a the much popular French beard.
For this film, Ranbir will be playing the role of a deaf and mute person, giving his varied film career a much different light. But this doesn't stop the directors from showing that the character has warm heart and is very humorous to others around him. In fact, Ranbir's character, Burfi, is a crook who is always shown out-smarting the cops around him. It is through these tactics that the audience will be kept entertained.
The background story for this film has been inspired from Burfi, a small town crook from the 1970's. Although it's set in the modern day, the idea is the basis for the film.
Will Ranbir be able to pull off a french beard? Do let us know what you think!
Editors: Medha & Jenifer
Editors: Medha & Jenifer
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