Friday, December 3, 2010

Sushmita Sen for 'Jafra' cosmetics !

Its not as if the model turn actor trend didn't exist in the yesteryear times, but one has to admit that what really set the ball rolling for the whole lot of the modeling world to foray into the industry at some point of their careers, were the trend setting '94 title winners - Sush and Aish.

And talking of the former, Sushmita Sen has reason to feature in news again. A famous face with the advertising departments, the actress's most recent conquest shall be to be seen as a brand ambassador of the international brand Jafra Ruchi Cosmetics India Private limited.

The company, apart from its beauty products sale, is also giving opportunies for future jobs by training women with marketing skills.
With Sushmita's unorthodox feminism and independent ways of life, the company has taken a sound decision by having her represent the brand and its lady-highs.


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