It seems that Kareena has managed to set herself up for a unique kind of record making with her recent accomplishment. In a matter of three days, she managed to shoot three ads that were back to back. And not only this, these ads were all respectively supposed to have been shot in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Mumbai.
Some travel velocity, that, not to forget managing three days of gruesome schedules!
Some travel velocity, that, not to forget managing three days of gruesome schedules!
The commercials - two shampoo ads, and one for a beauty soap - were in a routine affair meant to shot and completed in a span of 9-10 days. But to have made it to three different and spaced out geographic locations, shot for three ad campaigns, and all of it within three days is nothing short of a marvel!
Sources claim a vital reason for her rush was beau Saif, who was waiting (with little patience we hear) back in Latvia to resume shooting for the movie itself. And three days, it seems, were the sparse little Bebo could manage to steal for her advert commitments! Not that the brand houses can complain much, what with getting a result in a third of the usual expected time, and resources!
Sources claim a vital reason for her rush was beau Saif, who was waiting (with little patience we hear) back in Latvia to resume shooting for the movie itself. And three days, it seems, were the sparse little Bebo could manage to steal for her advert commitments! Not that the brand houses can complain much, what with getting a result in a third of the usual expected time, and resources!
But watch out, pretty lady, catch a breath and live your time... meanwhile, here's wishing you a happy belated birthday!
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