Thursday, August 12, 2010

Julia Roberts: Back to the Shastras!

Hollywood actress Julia Roberts spent sometime in India less than a year ago, putting up at the Pataudi Palace in Gurgaon (NCR) while shooting for friend and colleague Brad Pitt's production Eat, Pray and Love.

The movie, which is an adaptation of an Elizabeth Gilbert book is the story of a lady who after her divorce undertakes a journey to rediscover herself. She makes hay, gorging on Italian cuisines, adopting Indian spirituality and falling for Bali's love affair!

However, it now seems that more than simple film making has eventuated during the course of her stay in India!

While she was here, media remained abuzz with her sporting of a marigold garland and tilak at most times, while also following Swami Shri Dharam, at Ashram Hari Mandir in Pataudi.

Back in LA, paparazzi continue to hound her, cause word has it that Julia Roberts, born to a Baptist and Catholic couple, has converted to Hinduism!

Unbelievable, or what?!

Apparently, its not always the fans who ape the onscreen avatars of their favorite celebrities ... sometimes, celebrities themselves ape their own enactments too!


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